Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal Therapy is the process of restoring health to the gums and bones that support your teeth.
Treating Periodontal Disease
When periodontal disease, a bacterial infection, sets in, the infection not only endangers your gum tissues, but it also can spread to your bones and teeth. If left untreated, you’re in danger of gum, bone, and tooth loss. If it is determined that you have periodontal disease, it is important to initiate treatment immediately to avoid its progression. A common treatment plan may consist of six to eight visits to our dental office in West Lafayette, IN where “deep” cleanings are performed on the affected areas. If your case is severe, you may be referred to a periodontal specialist.
Signs of Periodontal Disease
- Red, Swollen, or Bleeding Gums
- Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
- Gums that recede or pull away from the tooth
- Loose or Mobile Teeth