Full Smile Makeover
Update your smile with a new and improved look! A lot of times, there's not simply one thing marring your confidence and oral health. There may be a list of issues you'd like to address. Consider a Full Mouth Smile Makeover to handle your health and cosmetic concerns all at once!
A Whole New Smile
A Full Mouth Smile Makeover means different things for different people, but the effect is the same—when we’re done, you’ll have a brand-new smile that you’re happy to show off! We’ll start by addressing your oral health concerns, like tooth decay and gum issues. Once your mouth is healthy, we’ll work on improving how your smile looks.
Do I Need a Full Mouth Smile Makeover?
Ultimately, this depends on you. Full Mouth Smile Makeovers are for patients seeking a complete dental overhaul. Usually, the patients looking for a full mouth smile makeover have multiple issues they’re trying to solve. Any issues relating to oral health like jaw and bite alignment, root canals, or periodontal therapy will be taken care of as we plan for cosmetic procedures like crowns, veneers, implants, teeth whitening, and Invisalign clear braces.
As well as the improvements to your oral health, a smile makeover can do wonders for your comfort and confidence. If you have stained, chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth, you may not be quick to smile for pictures. With our help, the next time you pose for a family photo, you’ll be glad to show off your new pearly whites!
Kathy’s Smile Makeover Journey
Kathy’s makeover required neuromuscular therapy to correct her jaw position. As you can see, she had many missing and broken down teeth. This did not allow her muscles to function in a “happy” position. As a result, Kathy experienced headaches, head, neck, and shoulder pain. In addition to her bad bite, Kathy also did not have the perfect smile she had always wanted. Kathy’s bite was corrected with neuromuscular therapy. She had an amazing change in her facial shape just with an hour of relaxation. This shows how much of an affect muscle relaxation can have on our overall facial shape.Eric came to our office unhappy with his smile. He did not like the misshapen teeth, the uneven teeth, and the uneven coloring. Dealing with professionals is part of his career, and he wanted to project the best possible image by improving his smile.
Eric’s Smile Makeover Journey
For Eric’s makeover, Dr. Swoverland used porcelain veneers. The procedure lasted only two hours, and when complete, left Eric in temporary restorations that resembled natural teeth in appearance. About one month later, the porcelain veneers were bonded into place. After a few post operative visits to adjust the shape of the teeth, Eric’s makeover was complete. He is now more confident in showing his rejuvenated smile.
Kim’s treatment included neuromuscular therapy to correct her jaw position, and was followed by full mouth reconstruction to maintain her ideal position. In addition, Kim received periodontal therapy to improve the healthiness of her gum tissues and eliminate infection.
Kim’s Smile Makeover Journey
Kim stood out from hundreds of applicants from her very first visit. She suffered from TMJ noise, which caused a great deal of popping and clicking in her joint. She also had difficulty in opening her mouth, which became painfully. She also suffered from neck and other postural problems. In addition to the pains that Kim suffered, she also had many interoral signs that showed us her bite was not functioning in the correct position. Some of these were severely worn teeth, crowded teeth, and breakdown of her natural teeth. When all of this was information was gathered, we knew that Kim would benefit from neuromuscular therapy.
During her neuromusuclar therapy, Kim also underwent periodontal therapy, which treated infection she had in the gum tissues. It was important to treat this infection, as if it was left untreated, it would progress to the point that her teeth would begin to become mobile. Over time, this could lead to tooth lose.
When the gum tissues were healthy, and Dr. Swoverland felt comfortable with Kim’s new bite and jaw position, we began her reconstruction. Kim’s reconstruction was done in four appointments, although it is possible to be completed in two appointments. Her first appointment consisted of the preparation and temporaization of her upper teeth. About one month later, we delivered her porcelain restorations. The same process was then done on her upper teeth.
Upon completion it is usually necessary to have a few follow up visits so that Dr. Swoverland can make any necessary adjustments to both the bite and shape of the teeth.
With her restorations complete, Kim then went through her hair, makeup, and fashion changes. The final results are simply amazing!
Christy came to our office with the goal of having a drastic change in the appearance of her teeth. it was only then that we learned her problems were much more serious, but certainly treatable.
Christy suffered a great deal from migraines and headaches. they were so bad that she would limit the amount of activities she was able to do with her children. her headaches would last for hours, or even days, with little or no relief from medication.
Christy suffered from a bad bite. because her teeth did not fit together properly, it caused her jaw to not function in an “ideal” position. because of this, her muscles functioned at an elevated level of stress that we were able to track. the unnecessary stress that these muscles carried resulted in a great deal of pain for Christy in the form of migraines.
Our first objective was to locate the ideal position in space where her jaw would function with the least amount of muscles stress. at that point it was determined exactly what types of cosmetic restorations would be needed to both maintain this position as well as achieve a beautiful smile.
The actual smile makeover took two appointments to complete. the first appointment prepared all of her teeth to accept the final porcelain veneers and crowns. at this point temporaries were put in place. approximately one month later, we removed the temporaries and placed the final restorations. with only a few additional appointments for slight bite adjustments her dream smile was complete.
Initially her goal was to have a “perfect smile”. in the end, the biggest benefit to her was the elimination of her migraines and headaches. she also does not require medication to prevent these from occurring. the smile is now the bonus. her children have their mom back. no longer is she going home in the evening to recover from pain, but instead she gets to be a pain free mom that spends more time with her children.
Veneers are the ideal way to reshape your teeth to give you a straight and beautiful smile. Veneers quickly straighten your teeth without the hassle of braces.
Tooth Colored Fillings
Tooth-colored fillings, or composite resin fillings, give your newly repaired teeth a natural appearance, as opposed to a typical silver amalgam filling, which can mar your smile with unsightly dark spots, depending on which teeth have been filled.
Apart from the cosmetic benefits of composite resin, there are also health benefits to steering clear of silver fillings. First of all, silver fillings are made with mercury, which can expose you in small amounts should your teeth become damaged or decayed again. Also, being made of metal, silver fillings run the risk of fracturing your teeth by expanding, which can cause decay through leakage into the new opening.